Retirement Coaching

Our retirement coaching is a comprehensive service designed to assist individuals in preparing for both financial and non-financial aspects of retirement. We understand that retirement can be a monumental change. Therefore, our role as your retirement coach entails creating a robust roadmap using our "Retire Happy Framework" to steer you towards a happy, more fulfilling, and secure retirement. Our retirement coaching program is unique in that we combine our financial planning with the non-financial aspects, creating a comprehensive coaching program.

Most people put the cart before the horse; they plan out their finances for retirement first and focus on relationships, core pursuits, and their health later. If you truly want a fulfilling retirement, all areas should be developed in tandem. You define the non-financial side and then work on the financial side to support it.

Just as a sports coach guides an athlete towards winning a game, a retirement coach guides you in making informed decisions about your retirement, ensuring you are fully equipped to navigate this exciting phase of life with confidence and peace of mind. So if you want to retire happy and secure, a retirement coach is a worthy investment.


Let's talk about the non-financial side of coaching, as the financial side is something many are more familiar with and can read about on our retirement planning page.

You’ve worked for decades, earning a retirement, but it’s not worth it if you’re miserable. Most people do more planning for a two-week vacation than they do for their own retirement! That’s not right, and we can help.

What a retirement coach does depends highly on your specific needs. We help you design the life you want in retirement and guide you through the process of creating action steps to discuss your unique retirement concerns. Your retirement doesn’t have to follow a specific path or "mold"—it can and should be as unique as you are!

We start with your values, needs, wants, and desires, then develop an action plan to get you where you need to be. A neutral third party, like a retirement coach, can help you figure out what an ideal retirement means for you on your terms. Then create a plan to make it all happen.


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For the non-financial side, retirement coaching will help you with topics like:

  • Clarify what you want to accomplish during your retirement
  • Create meaning and contribution during your retirement.
  • Life purpose
  • Wellness (Mental and Physical)
  • Relationships
  • Leisure activities
  • Charitable pursuits
  • Paid and unpaid work
  • Replace the aspects of work that gave your life meaning.
  • Transition successfully into retirement
  • Learn how to retire happy!